Palm Beach Gardens Fire Rescue Health & Wellness

March 2022 Workout 1

Exercise is not without its risks and this or any other exercise program many result in injury. As with any exercise program, if at any point during your workout you begin to feel faint, dizzy or have physical discomfort, you should stop immediately and consult a medical professional. You should rely on your own review, inquiry and assessment as to the accuracy of any information made available within this program or via this web site.

Warm Up

Exercise Dosage Progressions Modification
Cardio of Choice - must change daily
5 min, low to mod intensity
x 20
resistance band
x 4
x 20 BLE
x 20 BUE

Main Workout

Exercise Dosage Progressions Modification
weight OH, tempo pause
rear leg elevated on plate, regular split squat
weight OH, tempo pause
block bench, floor bench
3 sets X 15 reps each
trap bar band at feet, feet on floor w/ knees bent or ext, using rings
iso hold at top
w/ feet on floor
V hold
V hold w/ bent knees, leg lowers
Plank Pull Through
Add weight
plank hold, shoulder taps

Cool Down

Exercise Dosage Progressions Modifications
Walk to Lower HR
as needed 1 - 5 min
x 10 B
open book
1 min hold
30 sec x 2 BLE
FABER Stretch
30 sec x 2 BLE

As always, adjust reps & weights to your fitness level.