Palm Beach Gardens Fire Rescue Health & Wellness

Firehouse Essentials: Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is a popular cooking oil in most firehouse pantries. Often, first responders know olive oil is good for them, but they aren’t sure why! Let’s review the health benefits of EVOO in the context of a first responder’s career.

Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) has long been revered for its rich flavor, culinary versatility, and its numerous health benefits. Extracted from the first pressing of olives, this oil is packed with antioxidants and healthy fats, making it a staple in Mediterranean diets, which consistently ranks among the healthiest dietary patterns globally. With its polyphenol content and monounsaturated fats1, EVOO supports overall well-being while enhancing the taste of various dishes.

Types of Olive Oil

Olive oil comes in several types, each with distinct flavor profiles and cooking uses. Here are the main differences:

Does Smoke Point Matter?

Have you heard you should avoid EVOO for high-heat cooking (>400℉) due to the smoke point? That myth has been debunked! The smoke point of an oil is the temperature at which it begins to produce visible smoke. Previous research suggests that when an oil reaches its smoke point, it releases harmful compounds and free radicals. However, many of the studies reviewing the safety of oils were done so under extreme conditions (super high heat for extended time) that did not represent the heat conducted in standard home cooking.

Recent research suggests that smoke point does not correlate to the stability of the oil when heated in “real-life” home cooking scenarios2. Overall, research suggests that a high-quality EVOO that has not been refined or blended actually has a high level of stability relative to other cooking oils and is less likely to undergo oxidation2. EVOO adds antioxidants to the food you’re cooking, so go ahead and use it1,2!

Health Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Should I Start Drinking Olive Oil to Get All of These Benefits?

Ah, yes, the classic firefighter all-or-nothing response. You can actually receive all of the benefits from EVOO in just 1.5 tablespoons per day! Here are some ideas:


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