Palm Beach Gardens Fire Rescue Health & Wellness

Caribbean Salsa

Did you know salsa counts as a veggie? The challenge is not inhaling it with a bag of tortilla chips. Salsa is a great way to add flavor and fiber to wraps or rice bowls.

Active Prep Time: 15-30 minutes

Makes 6 servings

    • 1 small pineapple, diced
    • 5-6 tomatoes, diced (roma or on-the-vine)
    • 1 large red onion, diced
    • 1 bunch cilantro, chopped
    • 1 lime, juiced
    • ½ tsp salt
    • 3 avocados, diced (optional)
    1. Combine ingredients, toss and serve with burrito bowls, tacos, or jerk chicken wraps.
    • 1.25 cups: 50 calories, 1 g protein, 9 g carbohydrate, 0 g fat, 2 g fiber
    • Mix it up by replacing the pineapple with mango (2 mangos or 1 cup defrosted frozen mango)
    Megan Lautz, MS, RD, CSCS, TSAC-F

    Megan is a Registered Dietitian and coach who specializes in firefighter nutrition. Megan’s mission is to help firefighters perform better, recover faster, and enjoy long healthy retirements. Megan is the owner of RescueRD LLC, which provides nutrition seminars and coaching for tactical athletes across the country. Check out @Rescue.RD on Facebook and Instagram.