Palm Beach Gardens Fire Rescue Health & Wellness

Bodyweight Workout 1

Exercise is not without its risks and this or any other exercise program many result in injury. As with any exercise program, if at any point during your workout you begin to feel faint, dizzy or have physical discomfort, you should stop immediately and consult a medical professional. You should rely on your own review, inquiry and assessment as to the accuracy of any information made available within this program or via this web site.

Warm Up

Exercise Dosage Progressions Modification
Cardio *Preferably Assault bike or Rower
5 min
Zone 2 (*60-70% heart rate max)
Zone 1 (*50-60% heart rate max)
Heart Rate Maximum Formulas Training Formula:

220-age = maximum heart rate: Train at the desired % of this maximum heart rate


Exercise Dosage Progressions Modifications
Single leg
Increase hip flexion
Lie on back
Add lift-off
Decrease range
Weighted ball
Lower arm placement on wall

Main Workout

Perform in Order Provided

Exercise Dosage Progressions Modification
3 sets of 6-20
Weightbearing on knees
3 sets of 6-12
Weighted vest, hold PVC dowel overhead
Reduce depth of squat
3 sets of 6-12
Weighted vest

Hook dumbbell in feet
Feet on floor with legs straight using bench or use resistance band
3 sets of 6-12
Add hop at top/Weighted vest
Lower box height
3 sets of 6-12
Alternating grip each set/Weighted vest
Resistance band assist
3 sets of 6-12
Double leg bridge/ Lower height of bench
3 sets of 6-12 each arm
Weighted vest
Roman Chair
3 sets of 6-12
Weighted vest
Limit range

Cool Down

Exercise Dosage Progressions Modifications
1 x 30 seconds
Lean side to be stretched into wall
Lacrosse ball between shoulder and wall
Lower arm position
1 x 30 seconds
Squeeze gluteals during stretch
PVC dowel for balance
1 x 30 seconds
Pull toes toward body
Point toes toward ceiling
10x upper thoracic
10x mid thoracic
Use Deep tissue foam roller
Seated in chair
Exhale at bottom of arch position
Pillow under waist area

As always, adjust reps & weights to your fitness level.